Sphere Commerce On-Demand for gateless facilities is an on-the-go capability that offers consumers the option to skip the pay station and pay quickly and securely through their smartphone.
On-demand payments are easily made with multiple payment options. Consumers can pay by mobile with the Parking.com App, as well as “Text to Pay” and “Scan to Pay” via the Parking.com responsive web, creating a streamlined and touchless user experience.
In addition to increasing customer satisfaction and repeat business through an enhanced touchless solution, there are numerous client benefits.
For starters there is no client cost to enable on demand payments at gateless locations. Through the reduction or elimination of pay stations, warranty and maintenance costs can be reduced.
Cash and coin costs can also be reduced or eliminated through reductions in cash collection and accounting.
Once a user establishes an account, repeat purchases are made at the touch of a button increasing revenue. When needed, integration with our enforcement system addresses compliance and citations for offenders.
First your location must be set up for online selling through Parking.com. Once online sales are enabled, signs are strategically placed around the parking facility instructing customers how to access and use On-Demand via the various options.
Transactions are initiated though the Parking.com app or responsive web then automatically integrated into the automated or manual enforcement system utilized at the location.

On Demand Parking is
provided by Parking.com.
Learn more at: https://sphere.spplus.com/ondemand/